I would like to dedicate this post to my new yogi friend - Izso! Welcome to yoga & I really hope you would like it. One thing for sure, practice and all is coming!
"Are we supposed to eat after yoga? I'm kinda hungry". My friend worked really hard :D
Izso - grounding and empowering the base
I was in the studio waiting for the rest of the students while Beta came to me. She told me that she had just finished reading the book Eat, Pray, Love. I know neither the book nor the movie so, I asked, was it good? Part of the book describes yoga and she was amazed to know that yoga is not just about practicing asana. There are more and she seems really interested to find out the rest. I’m so glad!
Yoga is more than just on your mat. Yoga is every time, everywhere. Yoga is your breaths, thoughts, words, actions. I promised that I would share as much that I know and... that would mean I have to work even harder… that is why I always like teaching! It just keeps me going...
Waiting for studio to be opened. Picture by FD. He was saying that
the bench can't bear my weight, lol!
Yay! Classes with the ladies will begin tomorrow after a long 3 months break. Hopefully they still remember the sun salute sequence, lol! Planning to give a slow and relax class as a start. I like teaching because it motivates me to continue my practice and make them regular and... shed off those extra pounds :D
i had my first yoga lesson with the guys. i was kinda nervous as i've not yet taught a class with only men in it. my brother had requested yoga class to make them flexible. today, I've showed them yoga is more than just flexibility. it was a great experience and hope it continues :D
a picture during savasana and yes, don't ask me about the awesome yoga mat :D
picture taken at an art gallery of The Convent in Daylesford
Ardha - half, Baddha - bound, Padma - Lotus, Uttana - Intense stretch
Practicing ardha baddha padmottanasana can cure stiffness of the knees. As the abdominal organs are contracted, digestive powers increase and the peristaltic activity helps to eliminate toxin creating waste matter - Light on Yoga
Found this when I was in Melbourne visiting a Mill Market in Daylesford. The vintage Basic Yoga And You by Mark Becker.