Saturday, June 2, 2012

oatmeal raisin cookies

today i baked one of my favorite cookies - oatmeal raisin. this one is thick and chewy. get the recipe from smittenkitchen

handmade flower bouquet

it has been a while since i last handmade something. 2 weeks back i had a chance to attend a craft class and hand made a flower bouquet. i took some photos and will be writing down the steps here. if you like handmade and flowers, try it out!

things you need:
a pair of sharp scissor or knife, oasis bouquet holder, flowers and leaves, ribbons and patience.

flowers. it can be any flowers of your choice.

lots of leaves. some baby breath would be nice. but, i did not use any for this one.

cut the flower stem to a desired length. the longer the stem, the bigger your bouquet will be. which means, you'll need more flowers & leaves.

cut the stem of the leaves. same length as the flowers so you'll get a round bouquet.

soak oasis bouquet holder in bucket of water. do not skip this step. water absorbed will keep the flowers fresh. then, begin inserting flowers around the foam. start from the top.

keep going around while moving down. Try not to pull stems out once you have inserted them as it can break down the foam.

once you are down with flowers, then fill the bouquet with leaves all around it. fill in every bare spot. as you are doing so, you will see a nice dome shape being formed.

finishing touch - tie a ribbon around the bouquet holder. here, i used a satin ribbon.

tadaa! there you go! a nice fresh hand bouquet.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

vegetable art

i was at, publika having brunch and saw this interesting corner right at the entrance of the BIG supermarket.

happy kids creating masterpiece using vegetables, fruits.

painting on milk boxes

loving all the creative ideas!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Earth Hour

Tonight, at 8.30pm 31 March 2012, Earth Hour will once again sweep around the world. So, let's do our part to save the world :-)

Things you can do:

- turn off non-essential lights for at least 60 mins
- light a few candles
- sit
- eyes closed
- listen to your breath. a good time to turn inward :-)

little buddha with candle ~ got it from Bangkok street

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

the universe

"the Universe inhale what you exhale and you inhale what the Universe exhales"
and i am alive because universe is.

my new practice corner am i'm loving it!

enjoying nature like this everyday is such a blessing :-)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

yoga is beautiful

at the end of workshop, i went to thank my teacher and he asked, "you were in the Ashtanga yoga class this morning?"

"Nope. It can't be me. I'm terrible at Astanga", I replied.

"It's not about the progress. It's the process. Remember?"

*Smile* "Yes, I'll remember that".

let's not worry about progress too much. the beauty of yoga is the process itself. yoga like life, is a never ending journey.

today is International Women's Day. so, here's a photo of different woman experimenting their body, breath and mind into 3-legged-downdog.

i love to see class full like this :-)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

yucky yoga mat?

It is my 2nd yoga mat since I started yoga and sadly, it has reached the point of no more Down Dog. The golden principle ~ Ahimsa instructs us to practice non-harming not just to ourselves but also to the environment. So, here's what I did with my once-loved yoga mat, small effort to save our big environment :-)

First, cut a small piece of the mat. It's easier to work with small piece than the whole mat.

Next, using a pen and a cup, draw along the cup to get the round shape. You can use any other round object too.

Keep drawing, and drawing... any desired amount of circles...

Now, using a pair of sharp scissor, cut along the lines.

Tadaa! You've got some beverage coasters! I think it can last for couple of good years :-)

Here you go! A pack of nice quality (made from Nike mat), recycled, pink coasters for 6.

With a 66 x 24 inches mat, you can have many many coasters :P or try making trivet out of it too :)

For more ideas how to recycle your yoga mat, visit GAIAM Life. Explore & Enjoy!

are you breathing?

Free talk by Manoj Kamal on Role of Yoga in Healing - Breathing Techniques. Free registration!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

happy 2012!

one of my 2012 resolutions is to attend at least 4 workshops/year. that is, at least 1 workshop for each quarter. so, i'll start off with this:

'IGNITING THE FIRE' - A Manasa Core Workshop

If you too are interested, please visit Manasa Yoga