Monday, October 18, 2010

60 minutes of backbends

for home practice, i did some back bends - good for strengthening the spine and opening of the chest area. our daily routing would usually requires us to bend forwards or inwards, a good example - at your office desk for 8 hours and usually more! with back bends, the spine can then realign to its neutral position.

some back bends i did for my home practice,

setu bandhasana - bridge
eka pada setu bandha sarvangasana - single leg bridge
urdhva mukha svanasana - upward facing dog
bhujangasana - king cobra
dhanurasana - bow
shalabasana - single leg/full locust
natarajasana - dancers pose (single arm/both arms)
ustrasana - camel
kapotasana - dove

if you are new to back bends, always start off with the basic back bend poses. it is a good practice to have a counter pose for every back bend to release the spine. counter pose can be balasana - child's pose, paschimottanasana - seated forward bend or etc. end the practice with a simple twist and of course savasana - corpse pose.

practice back bends and breathe better!

Yoga Journal - Yoga Asana Columns - The Compassionate Backbend

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