Wednesday, September 1, 2010

permanent marker

Yoga Sutra II.40 - Through the feeling of trying to become clean, and of being clean, we come to understand that our body is permanent.
In verse II.40 of the Yoga Sutra, Patanjali speaks of saucha (purity or cleanliness) as a means to help you focused concentration. Keeping yourself and your surroundings clean has value because it makes you aware of the difference between the impermanent external world, and the true Self, which does not change. as you work to keep your environment clean, you see that this effort takes constant maintenance - if you stop dusting, the dirt builds up. Similarly, you might try to make your body more pure with the foods you choose, but that doesn't stop the aging process. In time, you see that no matter how diligent you are, your surroundings and even your body are decaying every moment, whereas your inner, or true, Self is permanent and unchanging. This realization gradually leads you to focus your attention inward. It is the internal Self that you want to purify, and once you do, you'll experience a positive attitude, a mastery of the senses, and a connection with your higher power. KATE HOLCOMBE

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